Who are SU faculty and speakers?

SU has attracted a world-class faculty, which is complemented by cutting-edge practitioners and thinkers, experts in their respective fields who serve as guest lecturers, mentors, and advisors.

SU has attracted a world-class faculty, which is complemented by cutting-edge practitioners and thinkers, experts in their respective fields who serve as guest lecturers, mentors, and advisors. The SU faculty includes scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and researchers from Stanford, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, and other major educational institutions, and experts and executives from businesses including Alphabet, Cisco, Deloitte, ePlanet Ventures, Genentech, Google, the Kauffman Foundation, Nokia, and others.


You can also Refer Someone as and Expert, Request a Faculty Member for your event or Apply For SU Faculty yourself if you feel that you could contribute to our SU Global Community.


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